Get product photography tips to turn your Carousell listings into shop-worthy items that attract more buyers.
Ever heard the expression; “first impressions matter”?
You and I might have different opinions about the saying. But, one thing’s for sure; first impressions matter if you’re selling on Carousell.
Did you know that your product photos are the first thing that catches the buyer’s attention when they browse the marketplace?
They resort to a pattern of endless scrolling and scrolling until that thumb-stopping moment when they find something that catches their eye.
It’s kind of like Instagram when you scroll through the thousands of pictures and stop to see a beautifully-taken photograph.
Similarly, the power to attract a crowd to view your listing on Carousell is in your hands, well literally because you have to take your product photo.
I understand that product photography isn’t natural and not everyone’s an expert at it. I wasn’t either.
But, that changes today because I’ll go through five handy smartphone photography tips so your listings will turn into shop-worthy products on Carousell.
Product photography tips to become a power Carouseller
Taking a picture of the item you’re selling is the first step on how to sell on Carousell.
Here’s a brief look at the product photography tips I’ll cover in this guide. Feel free to jump to the topic that interests you the most.
Mega hint: Read all so you can be the “pro” in product photography. Get it?
1. How to make your product the centre of attraction
2. How to keep your product in focus
3. How to apply the Parallel & Perpendicular Rule
4. How to achieve proper lighting for your photo
5. Take photos from different angles
Once you learn these five product photography tips, you’ll be taking brilliant shop-worthy photos.
The best thing? You don’t need a fancy DSLR; your smartphone camera is enough. Easy.
Let’s start with the first product photography tip, making your item the star attraction.
Product photography tip 1: Make your item the centre of attraction
Quick question, ever looked up someone’s profile on social media and found it hard to tell how he or she looks like because every photo is a group shot?
I have, and it was annoying. It’s the same when you’re browsing on the Carousell marketplace.
Buyer’s don’t have the time to spare to try and figure out what you’re selling. They’ll probably skip yours, and there goes your sale.
So, make it obvious to them. Make your item the centre of attraction.
But, how do you do it?
Here are two quick pointers for you:
- Use a contrasting background to make your item stand out
- Don’t distract buyers with unnecessary things in your photo, display what you sell in your cover photo
Try comparing these two photos below:

See how the picture on the right shows a much clearer picture of what I might be selling?
Be clear so you don’t have to entertain too many questions from interested buyers.
Product photography tip #1: Place your item in the centre to give it the attention it deserves.
Let’s move on to the second tip on product photography!
Product photography tip 2: Keep your product in focus
Just to be clear, your phone camera has to be the one in focus (they say communication is key).
Photos that are out-of-focus are the worst, especially when you’re shopping online.
Everyone wants to be sure where they’re putting their money, and I’m sure you do too. Besides, how are buyers even going to tell what your product is if the picture isn’t clear?
Give your item the attention it deserves by focusing your camera on it before you snap a photo.
How? Just tap your finger on your product and watch how your phone camera focuses. After that, take your picture.
Now, at least every buyer on Carousell can precisely tell what you’re selling.
Here’s an example comparing a photo out-of-focus and a photo that’s adequately focused: