PH Autos Success Stories

Problem These businesses faced challenges in reaching a wider audience and scaling their operations. For All Cars Manila, financial instability and limited funding initially restricted their ability to purchase inventory. Speed Seven Corporation struggled to adapt to the growing trend of online sales in the gray market industry. Meanwhile, PFE Air Conditioning and Electrical Supplies […]

@ugartecarsmanila: “Carousell helped us reach a wider audience”

Problem When Lloyd Anthony Ugarte was starting out as a marketing professional in a brand-new car dealership over 10 years ago, he and his partner Chin faced challenges in reaching a broader audience for their car sales business. Traditional methods were limiting, and they needed a way to digitize their operations to connect with more […]

armandocagais: Reaching clients all over the world

Problem Armando Cagais, a newcomer to the real estate industry, needed a reliable platform to generate leads and establish his presence as a salesperson. While inspired by his wife’s success on Carousell, he initially faced the challenge of building his own client base quickly and effectively. He required a solution that could help him reach […]

rayafearcagaela: 70% of her leads come from Carousell

Problem Raya Fe Arcagaela, a real estate broker based in Pasay City, initially struggled to find a reliable platform to generate consistent, high-quality leads. While she used other platforms like Lamundi to expand her reach, she found that many inquiries were from casual browsers rather than serious buyers. She needed a solution to connect with […]