Video Listing

With CarouBiz, you can now showcase your product or service with video listings. Get three times more clicks and 50% more leads.

Pro tip! Bump your video listings to get maximum reach and attract buyers’ attention.

How to create Video Listings?

real-videolisting-step1 Hit the “Sell” button to
create a new listing, or edit
an existing listing
2 3 1
Select an existing video
ranging from
3 seconds to 30 seconds.

Select one other photo.
2 3 1
real-videolisting-step3 Simply create your listing
as usual! Allow video
to load - the larger the file
size, the longer it takes.
1 2 3

How are other sellers using Video Listings?

@my1stpiece @componentsg @ezracollezione @my1stpiece @ezracollezione @componentsg @ezracollezione @componentsg @my1stpiece