Connecting With E-Commerce Buyers: Speak Their Language

No, we’re not saying you need to learn a different language. 

We’re just saying It’s important to know what persona your ideal customer falls in, and how they would potentially look for a product they intend to purchase or research on to buy later. 

What is a buyer persona?

Buyer personas are representations of your ideal customers based on data and research. They help you focus your time on qualified prospects by narrowing down your ideal target audience. They also guide your marketing efforts by identifying key touch points in the buyer journey and optimising for it. 

*We will not be delving too deep into presenting a buyer persona in our examples below as buyer personas are subject to marketing goals. 

Case study: Bluetooth Speakers

For example, you sell bluetooth speakers. If your products are in the middle range in terms of brand value, you wouldn’t expect customers to buy straight away, simply because it’s brand recognition isn’t comparable to the likes of well known speaker brands with quality backed by scores of reviews. Your competitive edge would be its affordability and its functional value, and customers who purchase mid-ranged products are often those who are less knowledgeable in terms of technicality – in fact, as long as it’s affordable and fulfils their functional needs they’re more than likely to purchase. 

If your product’s brand value is higher and in the premium range, comparable to the likes of Bose or Sonos, it is likely avid buyers have more knowledge and are likely to want to know the specifics in its technical selling points. They are also likely to be people who value premium features as it boosts their quality of life. How do you speak your buyer’s language then? Put yourself in their shoes and play out a buyer persona.

Here are some examples we’ve put together to help you visualise:

Product: Mid-range speakers

Buyer persona: Concerned mostly about affordability, functionality and getting the job done. Often less knowledgeable about detailed technical aspects simply because they value functionality over anything else.

Language to use: Layman terminology, focus on functional selling points 

Sample keywords: lightweight, portable, quality at an affordable price

Product: Premium-range speakers

Buyer persona: Often more concerned about technical specifications and value premium features as a form of improvement to their quality of life.

Language to use: Strive to use terminology that laymen can absorb and technical-enthusiasts can embrace. Focus on its premium features and selling points that are not only functional but also improve quality of life 

Sample keywords: deeply rich and detailed sound, bold bass, multi-directional audio etc.

Knowing how to capture your audience helps to get more targeted buyers, and a description matching the value of the product would greatly increase the intention to purchase. Done right, this could enhance the buyer’s journey as the keywords they’d use to search for the product easily directs them to your listing. Once you’ve figured out what keywords you’d like to use for targeting, run Carousell’s Spotlight tool to increase traffic to your listing on a flexible budget. Spotlight allows you to target relevant keywords that suit your listing, boosting visibility for the right audience, and giving you confidence that you’re targeting the right people. We’ll also suggest improvements you can make to your listing should you not be getting the results you want.

Knowing how to connect with your buyers can help expand your reach, improve the quality of leads, boost conversions and even increase loyalty. Get started with Carousell today!